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History and origin of the Mc-Harg family

Similar surnames: Mc-Ardle , Mc-Arthur , Mac-Arthur

See the list of all Mc-Harg

Marriages of the Mc-Harg family

Our database contains 37 marriages of the Mc-Harg family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

1847 Saint-Jacques-De-Leeds, Qc

1861 Saint-Jacques-De-Leeds, Qc

1870 Saint-Jacques-De-Leeds, Qc

1884 Saint-Jacques-De-Leeds, Qc

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Marriages of the Mc-Harg family

Our database contains 37 marriages of the Mc-Harg family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

Year Husband Wife Municipality
1847 Joseph Maharg Margaret Hunter Saint-Jacques-De-Leeds, Qc
1861 John Mc-Harg Ann Reid Saint-Jacques-De-Leeds, Qc
1870 John Pendrigh Agnes Mc-Harg Saint-Jacques-De-Leeds, Qc
1870 William Kinghorn Martha-Jane Mc-Harg Saint-Jacques-De-Leeds, Qc
1875 David-Alexander King Mary-Ann Mc-Harg Saint-Jacques-De-Leeds, Qc
1884 Benjamin Mc-Harg Jane-G Reid Saint-Jacques-De-Leeds, Qc
1884 James Mc-Harg Christina-George Wilkins Saint-Jacques-De-Leeds, Qc
1885 Archibald Mc-Harg Barbara Kinghorn Saint-Jacques-De-Leeds, Qc
1905 Rufus Rolfe Dora Mc-Harg Dudswell, Qc
1906 David Mc-Harg Mary-Catherine Reid Saint-Jacques-De-Leeds, Qc
1914 Gordon-Samuel Simons Margaret-Elizabeth Mc-Harg Dudswell, Qc
1914 Richard-Harvey Bullard Mary-Smith Mc-Harg Saint-Jacques-De-Leeds, Qc
1917 Charles Allan Myrtle-Kinghorn Mc-Harg Saint-Jacques-De-Leeds, Qc
1921 Carl-Howard Bishop Ethel-Lillian Mc-Harg Dudswell, Qc
1933 Harold-Andrew Mc-Harg Mary-Wilkin Ross Saint-Jacques-De-Leeds, Qc
1954 Roger-Normand Mc-Harg Doreen-Mary Smalldridge Ottawa, On
1961 Rodolphe Aube Patricia-E Mc-Harg Montreal, Qc
1964 Michel Tetrault Barbara Mc-Harg Montreal, Qc
1974 Michel Laramee Brenda Mc-Harg Lennoxville, Qc
1979 Daniel Mc-Veigh Nancy Mc-Harg Chateauguay, Qc

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Pioneers of the Mc-Harg family

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Origin of last name Mc-Harg

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Famous personalities of the Mc-Harg family

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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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Write us
1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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