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Free genealogy, ancestors and origins of Quebec surnames

List of families
Roussin Roussin-Bellefleur Rousson Roussy
Routh Routhier Routier Routliffe
Roux Roux-Sanschagrin Row Rowan
Rowe Rowell Rowen Rowland
Rowley Rowsell Roy Royal
Roy-Audy Royce Roy-Desjardins Royer
Roy-King Roy-Lapensee Roy-Lauzier Roy-Lauzon
Royle Roy-Leroy Roy-Mazeret Roy-Portelance
Roy-Voisine Rozell Roziere Rozon
Rozzi Ruais Rubin Rubino
Ruby Rudd Ruddy Rudolph
Rudy Rudzinski Ruel Ruelland
Ruelle Ruest Ruet Ruff
Ruffiange Ruffo Rufiange Ruggiero
Ruiter Ruiz Rule Rumrill
Runions Rupert Rupp Ruscitto
Rusenstrom Rush Rushford Rushton
Rusk Russ Russel Russell
Russo Ruth Rutherford Rutledge
Rutter Ruzzo Ryan Ryder
List of families
Roussin Roussin-Bellefleur
Rousson Roussy
Routh Routhier
Routier Routliffe
Roux Roux-Sanschagrin
Row Rowan
Rowe Rowell
Rowen Rowland
Rowley Rowsell
Roy Royal
Roy-Audy Royce
Roy-Desjardins Royer
Roy-King Roy-Lapensee
Roy-Lauzier Roy-Lauzon
Royle Roy-Leroy
Roy-Mazeret Roy-Portelance
Roy-Voisine Rozell
Roziere Rozon
Rozzi Ruais
Rubin Rubino
Ruby Rudd
Ruddy Rudolph
Rudy Rudzinski
Ruel Ruelland
Ruelle Ruest
Ruet Ruff
Ruffiange Ruffo
Rufiange Ruggiero
Ruiter Ruiz
Rule Rumrill
Runions Rupert
Rupp Ruscitto
Rusenstrom Rush
Rushford Rushton
Rusk Russ
Russel Russell
Russo Ruth
Rutherford Rutledge
Rutter Ruzzo
Ryan Ryder

Contact us

Write us
1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


Contact us

Write us
1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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