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Marriages of the Sioui family

Our database contains 392 marriages of the Sioui family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

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Marriages of the Sioui family

Our database contains 392 marriages of the Sioui family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

Year Husband Wife Municipality
1805 Francois Gendron Susanne Sioui Loretteville, Qc
1810 Michel Sioui Marie Duchenaux Loretteville, Qc
1823 Elie Sioui Josephte Koska Loretteville, Qc
1829 Jean Audet Agnes Sioui Loretteville, Qc
1831 Jean Saint-Aubain Victoire Sioui Loretteville, Qc
1833 Andre Romain Helene Sioui Loretteville, Qc
1839 Noe Sioui Victoire Paquet Loretteville, Qc
1840 Clement Sioui Angele Verret Loretteville, Qc
1841 Thomas Sioui Louise Plamondon Loretteville, Qc
1849 Honore Sioui Julie Sebastien Loretteville, Qc
1854 Gaspard Picard Henriette Sioui Loretteville, Qc
1854 Clement Sioui Virginie Groslouis Loretteville, Qc
1855 Elise Sioui Marie Thenos Loretteville, Qc
1856 Stanislas Sebastien Marcelline Sioui Loretteville, Qc
1859 Joseph Hotesse Marceline Sioui Loretteville, Qc
1859 Gregoire Aubin Marie Sioui Loretteville, Qc
1864 Frederic Lainy Marie Sioui Loretteville, Qc
1866 Thomas Sioui Marie Audet Riviere-Du-Loup, Qc
1866 Napoleon Couture Marie-Delphine Sioui Loretteville, Qc
1868 Honore Sioui Apauline Verret Loretteville, Qc

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In addition to marriages we have 124 other documents for the Sioui family

Pioneers of the Sioui family

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Origin of last name Sioui

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Famous personalities of the Sioui family

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3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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