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History and origin of the Shanahan family

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Marriages of the Shanahan family

Our database contains 263 marriages of the Shanahan family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

1835 Sainte-Catherine-De-La-Jacques-Cartier, Qc

1838 Sainte-Catherine-De-La-Jacques-Cartier, Qc

1840 Sainte-Catherine-De-La-Jacques-Cartier, Qc

1843 Sainte-Catherine-De-La-Jacques-Cartier, Qc

1844 Sainte-Catherine-De-La-Jacques-Cartier, Qc

1850 Sainte-Catherine-De-La-Jacques-Cartier, Qc

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Marriages of the Shanahan family

Our database contains 263 marriages of the Shanahan family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

Year Husband Wife Municipality
1826 John Shanahan Elisabeth Coughlan Montreal, Qc
1829 William Shanahan Jane Henry Quebec, Qc
1830 Thomas Lewis Johanna Shanahan Quebec, Qc
1831 Michael Shanahan Bridget Mulcahy Montreal, Qc
1831 Daniel Mc-Caula Mary Shanahan Montreal, Qc
1831 James Shahan Eleonore Shanan Montebello, Qc
1832 Jeremiah Shanan Ann Doyle Montebello, Qc
1834 William Shanahan Judith Prendergast Quebec, Qc
1835 Daniel Mc-Carthy Mary Shanahan Sainte-Catherine-De-La-Jacques-Cartier, Qc
1836 Patrick Shanahan Catherine Shanahan Montreal, Qc
1838 Cornelius Shanahan Eleonor Walsh Sainte-Catherine-De-La-Jacques-Cartier, Qc
1840 John Nelson Mary Shanahan Sainte-Catherine-De-La-Jacques-Cartier, Qc
1843 Denis Shanahan Ann Cleary Sainte-Catherine-De-La-Jacques-Cartier, Qc
1844 John Shanahan Eleonor Myler Sainte-Catherine-De-La-Jacques-Cartier, Qc
1844 Denis O-Neil Margaret Shanahan Quebec, Qc
1846 Thomas Keogh Helen Shanahan Ottawa, On
1847 John Murphy Mary Shanahan Quebec, Qc
1848 James Mcmanus Catharine Shanahan Quebec, Qc
1850 Alexander Mcwilliams Bridget Shanahan Sainte-Catherine-De-La-Jacques-Cartier, Qc
1850 Terance Shanahan Jane Kennedy Saint-Basile, Qc

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In addition to marriages we have 297 other documents for the Shanahan family

Pioneers of the Shanahan family

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Origin of last name Shanahan

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Famous personalities of the Shanahan family

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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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Write us
1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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