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History and origin of the Poupard family

Similar surnames: Poupart , Poupart-Lafleur

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Marriages of the Poupard family

Our database contains 64 marriages of the Poupard family

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1882 Saint-Urbain-Premier, Qc

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Marriages of the Poupard family

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In addition to marriages we have 72 other documents for the Poupard family

Pioneers of the Poupard family

Pierre Poupard was born circa 1650 in St-Denis, Seine-St-Denis, France. Son of Jean and Marguerite Frichet-Fréchette, he married Marguerite Perras, daughter of Pierre and Marie-Denise Lemaître, on August 11, 1682 in La Prairie. From this union were born 7 children. From 1666 to 1667, Pierre is a servant in Montreal and in 1682, he settled in La Prairie. For many years he traded furs. In 1684, he is on his way to a wartime voyage against Iroquois. In 1689, he was charged before the law and sentenced to pay what he owed to an estate. He died in an hospital and was buried on June 7, 1699 in Montreal.

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René Poupard-Lafleur was born circa 1647 in Plessé, Loire-Atlantique, France. He is a Protestant and the son of Pierre Poupart and Marie Bouté-Boutet. He married Marie Gendron, daughter of Guillaume and Anne Loiseau, on April 6, 1679 in Boucherville. They had 4 children and 2 of them were baptized in New England. He came to New France as a Carignan soldier in 1665 and was confirmed there the same year. He traded furs. He lived in Chambly before settling in New Jersey where he married Marie Perrin of unknow parentage. They had 5 children. During the 1707-1708 winter, he and his wife were killed under unknown circumstances in New England.

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Origin of last name Poupard

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Famous personalities of the Poupard family

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