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History and origin of the Peek family

Similar surnames: Peck , Peckham , Peclet , Pekakuan , Pekapo

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Marriages of the Peek family

Our database contains 275 marriages of the Peek family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

1867 Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice-De-Buckland, Qc

1867 Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice-De-Buckland, Qc

1872 Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice-De-Buckland, Qc

1874 Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice-De-Buckland, Qc

1880 Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice-De-Buckland, Qc

1881 Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice-De-Buckland, Qc

1883 Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice-De-Buckland, Qc

1886 Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice-De-Buckland, Qc

1889 Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice-De-Buckland, Qc

1896 Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice-De-Buckland, Qc

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Marriages of the Peek family

Our database contains 275 marriages of the Peek family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

Year Husband Wife Municipality
1840 James Woodrow Harriet Peck Sherbrooke, Qc
1850 John Peck Jeannette Jubinville Raleigh, On
1855 George-William Moore Clarissa Peck Ascot, Qc
1857 William Peck Susannah Drew Ascot, Qc
1867 Jean Peck Marguerite Doucet Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice-De-Buckland, Qc
1867 George-Jr Lamothe Mary Peck Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice-De-Buckland, Qc
1872 Edouard Dutremble Priscille Peck Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice-De-Buckland, Qc
1874 Theodule Peck Josephine Duplessis Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice-De-Buckland, Qc
1879 Henry Astbury Ermina-C Peck Waterville, Qc
1880 Pierre Peck Emelina Benoit Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice-De-Buckland, Qc
1881 Eugene Riopel Elizabeth Peck Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice-De-Buckland, Qc
1882 Frank-N Page Ida-E Peck Laconia, Nh
1883 Napoleon Peck Delia Tremblay Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice-De-Buckland, Qc
1884 Adolphe Schwartz Rebecca-Ann Peck Kazabazua, Qc
1886 Narcisse Balthazar Marie-Louise Peck Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice-De-Buckland, Qc
1889 John Peck Mary Arsenault Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice-De-Buckland, Qc
1890 Georges Peck Flore Dufault Sainte-Christine, Qc
1894 Joseph Peck Mary-Mathilda Taylor Alleyn-Et-Cawood, Qc
1894 Hormisdas Cote Mary Peck Acton-Vale, Qc
1896 Henri Peck Valeda Bienvenu Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice-De-Buckland, Qc

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In addition to marriages we have 1237 other documents for the Peek family

Pioneers of the Peek family

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Origin of last name Peek

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Famous personalities of the Peek family

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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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