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History and origin of the Jeanneteau family

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Marriages of the Jeanneteau family

Our database contains 31 marriages of the Jeanneteau family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

1831 Saint-Mathias-Sur-Richelieu, Qc

1838 Saint-Mathias-Sur-Richelieu, Qc

1838 Saint-Mathias-Sur-Richelieu, Qc

1842 Saint-Mathias-Sur-Richelieu, Qc

1848 Saint-Mathias-Sur-Richelieu, Qc

1891 Sainte-Brigide-D'iberville, Qc

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Marriages of the Jeanneteau family

Our database contains 31 marriages of the Jeanneteau family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

Year Husband Wife Municipality
1831 Pierre Masse Marguerite Jeanneteau Saint-Mathias-Sur-Richelieu, Qc
1838 Joseph Masse Cesarie Jeanneteau Saint-Mathias-Sur-Richelieu, Qc
1838 Louis Duloire Marie-Emerite Jeanneteau Saint-Mathias-Sur-Richelieu, Qc
1842 Michel Boivin Marguerite Jeanneteau Saint-Mathias-Sur-Richelieu, Qc
1848 Cyrille Jeanneteau Onesime Lalanne Saint-Mathias-Sur-Richelieu, Qc
1853 Jean-Baptiste Jeanneteau Esther Lemaire Saint-Mathias-Sur-Richelieu, Qc
1891 Louis Janeteau Rosanna Basinet Sainte-Brigide-D'iberville, Qc
1911 Donat Dorais Arziana Jeanneteau Chambly, Qc
1916 Marcel Jeanneteau M.-Yvonne Descoteaux Notre-Dame-Du-Nord, Qc
1930 Maurice Jeanneteau Fabiola Lafond Notre-Dame-Du-Nord, Qc
1937 Leon Gauthier Yvette Jeanneteau Notre-Dame-Du-Nord, Qc
1939 Marcel Jeanneteau Eglantine Pleau Notre-Dame-Du-Nord, Qc
1948 Edouard Jeanneteau Anita Pepin Rouyn-Noranda, Qc
1949 Alvarez Rivard Georgette Jeanneteau Notre-Dame-Du-Nord, Qc
1950 Roger Champoux Paulette Jeanneteau Notre-Dame-Du-Nord, Qc
1952 Gerard Grenier Claudette Jeanneteau Notre-Dame-Du-Nord, Qc
1953 Alfred Jeanneteau Antoinette Lescarbeau Montreal, Qc
1954 Georges Scrive Huguette Janneteau Ville-Marie, Qc
1955 Claude Jeanneteau Guylaine Baril Belleterre, Qc
1956 Lionel Leblond Madeleine Janneteau Wawa, On

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In addition to marriages we have 3 other documents for the Jeanneteau family

Pioneers of the Jeanneteau family

For the moment, no text has been submitted for this family.

Origin of last name Jeanneteau

For the moment, no text has been submitted for this family.

Famous personalities of the Jeanneteau family

For the moment, no text has been submitted for this family.

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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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