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History and origin of the Ivon family

Similar surnames: Yvon , Hyvon , Hivon

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Marriages of the Ivon family

Our database contains 579 marriages of the Ivon family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

1760 Sainte-Anne-De-La-Perade, Qc

1763 Sainte-Anne-De-La-Perade, Qc

1772 Saint-Pierre-Les-Becquets, Qc

1777 Saint-Pierre-Les-Becquets, Qc

1780 Sainte-Anne-De-La-Perade, Qc

1785 Sainte-Anne-De-La-Perade, Qc

1789 Sainte-Anne-De-La-Perade, Qc

1789 Sainte-Anne-De-La-Perade, Qc

1792 Sainte-Anne-De-La-Perade, Qc

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Marriages of the Ivon family

Our database contains 579 marriages of the Ivon family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

Year Husband Wife Municipality
1637 Florent Bisson Jeanne-Helene Yvon
1637 Florent Buisson Jeanne Yvon
1658 Jean Noel-Nouel Jeanne Yvon Quebec, Qc
1712 Robert Duval Aubine Yvon
1715 Louis Durette Marie Yvon Quebec, Qc
1730 Charles Yvon Louise Desroches Havre-De-La-Baleine, Ns
1749 Jean Yvon Elisabeth Morand Quebec, Qc
1760 Joseph Despres Marie-Josephe Hyvon Sainte-Anne-De-La-Perade, Qc
1761 Jean-Baptiste Lapointe Josephte Yvon Terrebonne, Qc
1763 Louis Hivon M.-Anne St-Amand Sainte-Anne-De-La-Perade, Qc
1772 Joseph Spenard Francoise Hivon Saint-Pierre-Les-Becquets, Qc
1777 Alexis Nault Francoise Hivon Saint-Pierre-Les-Becquets, Qc
1780 Francois Hivon Angelique Tessier Sainte-Anne-De-La-Perade, Qc
1784 Andre Heinelein M-Joseph Yvon Terrebonne, Qc
1785 Francois Yvon M.-Joseph Chalifoux Sainte-Anne-De-La-Perade, Qc
1786 Nicolas Hivon Josephte Vadeboncoeur Sainte-Anne-De-La-Perade, Qc
1788 Francois Kemner-Laflamme Cecile Ivon Perce, Qc
1789 Jacque Tournelle Elisabeth Hivon Sainte-Anne-De-La-Perade, Qc
1789 Joseph Ivon Marie Gignac Sainte-Anne-De-La-Perade, Qc
1792 Antoine Hivon Therese Pary Sainte-Anne-De-La-Perade, Qc

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In addition to marriages we have 387 other documents for the Ivon family

Pioneers of the Ivon family

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Origin of last name Ivon

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Famous personalities of the Ivon family

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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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