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History and origin of the Guertin family

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Marriages of the Guertin family

Our database contains 4535 marriages of the Guertin family

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In addition to marriages we have 625 other documents for the Guertin family

Pioneers of the Guertin family

Louis Guertin-Le Sabotier est baptisé le 28 juin 1625 à Daumeray,Maine-et-Loire en France.Fils de Louis et de Georgette Leduc,il épouse Elisabeth Camus,fille de Pierre et de Jeanne Charles,le 26 octobre 1659 à Montréal. De cette union naissent 11 enfants.Il arrive au pays en 1653 comme sabotier et s'établit à Montréal.En 1667, il possède 4 bêtes à cornes et 14 arpents de terre en valeur.En 1681,il possède 1 fusil, 3 bêtes à cornes et 30 arpents de terre en valeur. Il est inhumé le 8 décembre 1687 à Pointe aux-Trembles.Le 10 avril 1688,le notaire Adhémar se charge de la vente aux enchères de ses meubles et bestiaux pour 340 livres et 10 sols.

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Louis Guertin-Gueretin-Le Sabotier was baptized on June 28,1625 in Daumeray,Maine-et-Loire,France. Son of Louis Gueretin and Georgette-Georgine Leduc, he married Elisabeth Camus, daughter of Pierre and Jeanne Charles-Charas, on October 26, 1659 in Montreal. The couple had 11 children. This clog maker, who arrived in the country in 1653, settled in Montreal, more precisely on a land of Coteau St-Louis. In 1680, he lost his wife two months after the birth of the eleventh child. In 1681, he possessed 1 rifle, 3 horned animals and 30 acres of land. The exact date of his death is unknown, but he was buried in Pointe-aux-Trembles on December,1687.

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Origin of last name Guertin

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GUERTIN - Present in Maine-et-Loire and Sarthe, this name is a derivative of Gueretin, diminutive Gueret, itself a possible diminutive Guerard. It could be associated with Guerton, name of Germanic origin whose root “wert” means worthy, honorable.

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Famous personalities of the Guertin family

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3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
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