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History and origin of the Dumouchel family

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In addition to marriages we have 313 other documents for the Dumouchel family

Origin of last name Dumouchel

The name Dumouchel was first found in Normandy, France. Most surnames have experienced slight changes through the centuries. Some of which are: Dumouchelle, Dumonceau, Dumoncel, Dumonchel, Dumonceaux, Du Moncel, Dumonchau, Dumonchaux, Du Mouchet,Du Mouchel, Du Monceau,Du Moncel, to list a few. The family name Dumouchel becomes influential in Normandy with Francois Du Mouchet de Villedieu, Bishop of Digne, who in 1731 obtained his doctorate in theology; Pierre-Antoine-Joseph Dumonchaux was a doctor around 1733; Etienne Dumouchel, born in 1733, was ordained a priest in 1803 and became chaplain of the hospice of Found-Children, and later was named vicar of the marines; Jean-Baptiste Dumouchel became the rector of the University of Paris in 1787;Francois-Xavier-Marie-Joseph Dumonceaux was a lawyer in 1759; Alexandre-Henri-Adeodat Du Moncel was a count in 1784 and became a mining Lieutenant. Many settlers of this lineage arrived in Canada between 1600 and 1900.

Submitted by Audrey D.

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