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History and origin of the Courcelle family

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Marriages of the Courcelle family

Our database contains 106 marriages of the Courcelle family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

1810 Saint-Mathias-Sur-Richelieu, Qc

1829 Sainte-Anne-Des-Plaines, Qc

1834 Sainte-Anne-Des-Plaines, Qc

1849 Sainte-Anne-Des-Plaines, Qc

1869 Sainte-Anne-Des-Plaines, Qc

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Marriages of the Courcelle family

Our database contains 106 marriages of the Courcelle family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

Year Husband Wife Municipality
1803 Jean-Marie Courcelle Marie-Louise Rouillard Sainte-Anne-Des-Plaines, Qc
1810 Jacques Cadieux Marie-Anne Courcelle Saint-Mathias-Sur-Richelieu, Qc
1827 Francois Courcelle Marie Derouard-Villemere Mascouche, Qc
1829 Antoine Courselle Judith Locas Sainte-Anne-Des-Plaines, Qc
1834 Joseph Courcelle Louise Therrien Sainte-Anne-Des-Plaines, Qc
1836 Francois-Regis Courcelle Pelagie Therrien Sainte-Anne-Des-Plaines, Qc
1837 Joseph Baret Madeleine Courcelle Montreal, Qc
1841 Leon Courcelle Sophie Aubertin Boucherville, Qc
1849 Leon Gauthier Judith Courcelle Sainte-Anne-Des-Plaines, Qc
1850 Antoine Courcelle Anathalie Therrien Sainte-Anne-Des-Plaines, Qc
1856 Antoine Courselle Philomene Therien Saint-Calixte, Qc
1857 Edouard Mercier Louise Courcelle Saint-Lin, Qc
1869 Joseph Courcelle Eulalie Cousineau Saint-Calixte, Qc
1869 Edouard Courcelle Julie Clement Sainte-Anne-Des-Plaines, Qc
1869 Moise Courselle Lea Payette Saint-Calixte, Qc
1870 Joseph Lusignan Hermeline Courcelle Sainte-Anne-Des-Plaines, Qc
1885 Joseph-Edgar Courcelle Marie-Celina Drouin Maskinonge, Qc
1887 Avila Courcelle Delphine Gadbois Montreal, Qc
1892 Damase Legault Alida Courcelle Montreal, Qc
1893 Hormidas Courcelle Amelia-Aurelia Forget Sainte-Anne-Des-Plaines, Qc

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In addition to marriages we have 45 other documents for the Courcelle family

Pioneers of the Courcelle family

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Origin of last name Courcelle

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Famous personalities of the Courcelle family

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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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