Avis de décès de John-Joseph Duffy

Duffy, John Joseph ALBANY John Joseph Duffy of Albany lost his fight with lung cancer on Saturday, November 16, 2013 at the age of 70 surrounded by loved ones. Mr. Duffy is survived by his son, John O'Donal and his wife Mary of Norwich, Conn.; daughter, Kimberley Bouchard (Duffy) of Manchester, Conn. and three grandchildren, Benjamin O'Donal and Bryan and Bradley Bouchard; his sister, Mary Edna Sittinger (Duffy) of Vermilion, Ohio and his nieces and nephews, Kathleen Janollari (Higgins), Sally Higgins, Robert Higgins all of Ohio, and Michael Higgins of North Carolina. Mr. Duffy also leaves behind long time and dear friends, Mr. John Gottstein and Ms. Patricia Hoffman, both of whom stayed by his side all through his illness up until his death. Mr. Duffy is preceded in death by his father John Edward Duffy in 1978 and mother Edna Mae Duffy (Gotha) in 2002. The family wishes to thank The Springs Nursing Home of Troy and the incredible support of its staff for the caring of John during his illness. No visiting hours are scheduled as the family asks that donations be made to the ;(function() { var adKeyValue = 't='; adKeyValue+= escape('clio=ACS'); adKeyValue += escape('&cobrand=timesunion-albany'); adKeyValue += escape('&linktext=American Cancer Society'); adKeyValue += escape('&linkurl=https://www.cancer.org/involved/donate/donateonlinenow/Legacy/index?dn=mem&fn=John&ln=Duffy'); adKeyValue += escape('&fn=John'); adKeyValue += escape('&ln=Duffy'); var adClkUrl = 'http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/jump?iu=/423686928/prod/obit-aff/obit-standard/clio-inline-1&' + adKeyValue + '&sz=1x1&c=1674804660'; var adImpUrl = 'http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/ad?iu=/423686928/prod/obit-aff/obit-standard/clio-inline-1&' + adKeyValue + '&sz=1x1&c=1674804660'; document.write("<a href='" + adClkUrl + "' target=_blank>American Cancer Society<" + 'img' + " src='" + adImpUrl + "' style='width=1px; height=1px; display:inline;' /></a>"); }()); in his memory. To leave a special message for the family online please visit NewcomerAlbany.com

Parution de l'avis de décès:

Le 22 novembre 2013 (Albany Times Union, , États-Unis)



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Québec, Qc G1W 4Z2



Nous écrire
1 888 868-0005

C. P. 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch. des Quatre-Bourgeois
Québec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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