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History and origin of the Lauson family

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In addition to marriages we have 1495 other documents for the Lauson family

Origin of last name Lauson

Early history of Lausanne (Wiki) The Romans built a military camp, which they called Lousanna, at the site of a Celtic settlement, near the lake where currently Vidy and Ouchy are situated; on the hill above was a fort called 'Lausodunon' or'Lousodunon' (The 'y' suffix is common to many place names of Roman origin in the region (e.g.) Prilly, Pully, Lutry, etc.).[11] By the 2nd century AD it was known as vikanor[um] Lousonnensium and in 280 as lacu Lausonio. By 400 it was civitas Lausanna and in 990 it was mentioned as Losanna.[12] Histoire du Poitou par: Antoine-René-Hiyacinthe Lettre du Roi 1651 <<Monsieur de lauson de preuilly, vos vertus et mérites vous ayant fait choisir et élire l'assemblée des chevalier de mon ordre de Saint-Michel, pour être associé en cette compagnie; j'écris présentement à mon cousin le duc de la Meilleraye, pair et maréchal de france, pour lui ordonner de vous bailler de ma part le collier dudit ordre; ..... Prilly is first mentioned around 976-77 as in uilla que uocatur presliacus. By 1185 it was known as Prillie

Submitted by Isaac L.

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