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History and origin of the Gazes family

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Marriages of the Gazes family

Our database contains 30 marriages of the Gazes family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

1834 Saint-Pierre-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc

1868 Saint-Francois-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc

1871 Saint-Francois-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc

1891 Saint-Pierre-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc

1892 Saint-Pierre-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc

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Marriages of the Gazes family

Our database contains 30 marriages of the Gazes family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

Year Husband Wife Municipality
1825 Francois Gazes Marie-Genevieve Cote Montmagny, Qc
1829 Alexis Gazes Marie-Rose Bernatchez Montmagny, Qc
1834 Pierre Gazes Genevieve Thibault Saint-Pierre-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc
1853 Joseph Talbot Rosalie Gazes Montmagny, Qc
1853 Francois Gazes Henriette Dufour Trois-Pistoles, Qc
1859 Jean-Baptiste Fournier Eleonore Gazes Montmagny, Qc
1868 Noel Fournier Philomene Gazes Saint-Francois-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc
1871 Nazaire Theberge Elisa Gazes Saint-Francois-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc
1876 Louis Gazes Adeline Fournier Montmagny, Qc
1880 Francois Gagne Marie-Obeline Gazes Montmagny, Qc
1884 Jules Anctil Helene Gazes Montmagny, Qc
1888 Amedee Gazes Emma Thibault Montmagny, Qc
1890 Joseph Thibault Marie-Alice Gazes Montmagny, Qc
1891 Fabien Giasson Delima Gazes Saint-Pierre-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc
1892 Joseph Caseault Marie-Adele Gazes Montmagny, Qc
1892 Ignace Fortin Justine Gazes Saint-Pierre-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc
1893 Joseph Fortin Marie-Emma Gazes Montmagny, Qc
1902 Joseph Gazes Marie-Anna Poirier Montmagny, Qc
1916 Elzear Leonard Albertine Gazes Montmagny, Qc
1933 Maurice Gazes Adrienne Theberge Saint-Eugene, Qc

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In addition to marriages we have 9 other documents for the Gazes family

Pioneers of the Gazes family

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Origin of last name Gazes

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Famous personalities of the Gazes family

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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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