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History and origin of the Mcgown family

Similar surnames: Mcgonigal

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Marriages of the Mcgown family

Our database contains 90 marriages of the Mcgown family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

1883 Saint-Ambroise-De-Kildare, Qc

1886 Saint-Ambroise-De-Kildare, Qc

1887 Saint-Ambroise-De-Kildare, Qc

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Marriages of the Mcgown family

Our database contains 90 marriages of the Mcgown family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

Year Husband Wife Municipality
1823 John Butler Ann Mcgown Quebec, Qc
1827 Jean-Baptiste Macgon Angelique Grimar Saint-Joseph-De-Lanoraie, Qc
1828 James Flynn Honora Mcgown Quebec, Qc
1829 Jean-Baptiste Noreau Honora Mcgown Loretteville, Qc
1831 Duncan Mcdonald Mary Mcgonk Montebello, Qc
1843 Thomas Dunn Margaret Mcgown Saint-Sylvestre, Qc
1848 Thomas Mcgown Ann Granleeze Lachine, Qc
1849 Charles Mcgown M.-Rose Lemire-Gaucher Saint-Ambroise-De-Kildare, Qc
1860 Louis Brazeau Josephine Mcgown L'assomption, Qc
1864 Pierre Mcgown Valerie Terrien L'assomption, Qc
1865 Joseph Terrien Delphine Mcgown L'assomption, Qc
1866 Terrence Mcgown Catherine Bruin Sherbrooke, Qc
1873 George Mcgown Genevieve Latour-Forget Sainte-Elisabeth, Qc
1875 Joseph Galipeau Julie Mcgown L'assomption, Qc
1883 Arthur Beaudry Delphine Mcgown Saint-Ambroise-De-Kildare, Qc
1884 Joseph Prudhomme Ernestine Mcgown L'assomption, Qc
1885 Xavier Bazinais Azilda Mcgown Joliette, Qc
1886 Sem Garceau Sophie Mcgown Saint-Ambroise-De-Kildare, Qc
1887 Gaspard Brouillet Celina Mcgown Saint-Ambroise-De-Kildare, Qc
1887 Georges-Joseph-Walter Mcgown Alouisia Poirier Montreal, Qc

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In addition to marriages we have 58 other documents for the Mcgown family

Pioneers of the Mcgown family

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Origin of last name Mcgown

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Famous personalities of the Mcgown family

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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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