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History and origin of the Mccool family

Similar surnames: Mccauley , Mccoleman , Mccollough , Mccollum

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Marriages of the Mccool family

Our database contains 100 marriages of the Mccool family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

1847 Sainte-Brigide-D'iberville, Qc

1850 L'isle-Aux-Allumettes, Qc

1876 L'isle-Aux-Allumettes, Qc

1889 L'isle-Aux-Allumettes, Qc

1899 Sheen-Esher-Aberdeen-Et-Malakoff, Qc

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Marriages of the Mccool family

Our database contains 100 marriages of the Mccool family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

Year Husband Wife Municipality
1847 Francis Mccoll Jane Mcelleer Sainte-Brigide-D'iberville, Qc
1850 James Mccool Catherine Murphy L'isle-Aux-Allumettes, Qc
1856 Peter Grant Elisabeth Mccaul Ottawa, On
1858 Patrick Mccaul Catherine Donohoe Quebec, Qc
1859 Arthur Mckenna Bridget Mccool Montreal, Qc
1859 William Griffin Suzanne Mccaul Ottawa, On
1862 Michael Mccool Ann Lynch Blackstone, Ma
1869 Bernard Mccool Caroline Tankard Blackstone, Ma
1870 Bernard Mccool Caroline-G Lankard Blackstone, Ma
1871 Patrick Mccool Ellen Mcglynn Blackstone, Ma
1876 James Mccool Barbara Poupore L'isle-Aux-Allumettes, Qc
1879 Edward Delaney Jeanne Mccoll Montreal, Qc
1889 Patrick Mccool Malvina Landon L'isle-Aux-Allumettes, Qc
1897 Timothy Mccarthy Annie Mccool Blackstone, Ma
1897 Andrew-A Mcmahon Agnes Mccool Blackstone, Ma
1898 Henry-Ernest Mccool Mary-Virginia-Angela Morris Sheen-Esher-Aberdeen-Et-Malakoff, Qc
1899 Robert-Caldwell Miller Eleanor-Louise Mccool Sheen-Esher-Aberdeen-Et-Malakoff, Qc
1901 Thomas-Edward Mccool Maria Kennedy L'isle-Aux-Allumettes, Qc
1907 Joseph Mccool Hazel Mcdonald Sudbury, On
1908 Alexander Mccool Marguerite Boutiettle Mattawa, On

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In addition to marriages we have 380 other documents for the Mccool family

Pioneers of the Mccool family

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Origin of last name Mccool

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Famous personalities of the Mccool family

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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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