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Marriages of the Lareault family

Our database contains 1492 marriages of the Lareault family

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In addition to marriages we have 233 other documents for the Lareault family

Pioneers of the Lareault family

Jacques Lareau: born about 1624 at Notre-Dame de Houppeville near Rouen in Normandy, of unknown parents, he married Anne Fossé in France about 1650. From their union was born a boy: François. His wife died on September 12, 1678. He married Jeanne Caine, widow of Guillaume Dupas and Jean Mineau, in Quebec City on November 23, 1682. The couple have no children. Jacques is in Quebec City in 1662. He is a carpenter. In 1667, he lives on his land at Notre-Dame-des-Anges and owns one horned animal and four acres of land. He also owns a house and another piece of land in the Upper Town of Quebec. He died after July 22, 1700.

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Origin of last name Lareault

Lareau: Unknown origin, but possibly from 'De la Raue' an alteration of 'Delarue', describing someone residing near a path. Known variants: Lareault, Lareaux, Laro, Laroe, Larow, Larowe, Larreau, Larro, Larrow.

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Famous personalities of the Lareault family

For the moment, no text has been submitted for this family.

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