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History and origin of the Hume family

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Marriages of the Hume family

Our database contains 94 marriages of the Hume family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

1837 Saint-Jacques-De-Leeds, Qc

1866 Saint-Jacques-De-Leeds, Qc

1901 Saint-Adolphe-D'howard, Qc

1903 Saint-Adolphe-D'howard, Qc

1912 Saint-Adolphe-D'howard, Qc

1931 Saint-Adolphe-D'howard, Qc

1933 Saint-Adolphe-D'howard, Qc

1942 Saint-Adolphe-D'howard, Qc

1943 Saint-Adolphe-D'howard, Qc

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Marriages of the Hume family

Our database contains 94 marriages of the Hume family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

Year Husband Wife Municipality
1837 John Hume Eleanor Craigie Saint-Jacques-De-Leeds, Qc
1866 William Hume Alice Jamieson Saint-Jacques-De-Leeds, Qc
1901 Thomas-H Hume M-Jane Doig Saint-Adolphe-D'howard, Qc
1903 William Hume Margaret Mc-Quat Saint-Adolphe-D'howard, Qc
1912 William Hume Janet-P Wilson Saint-Adolphe-D'howard, Qc
1913 William-Henry Rothera Elizabeth-Grace Hume Saint-Jacques-De-Leeds, Qc
1919 David-R Hume Marie-Dorilda Bourdeau Cohoes, Ny
1919 Thomas Stewart Elizabeth Hume Lachute, Qc
1920 William Hume Margaret Mac-Kimmie Saint-Adolphe-D'howard, Qc
1923 Albert Thompson Lydia Hume Lachute, Qc
1930 John-James Hume Margaret Mc-Meekin Westmount, Qc
1931 Randolph Rogers Isabella Hume Saint-Adolphe-D'howard, Qc
1933 John Gunn Anabel Hume Saint-Adolphe-D'howard, Qc
1936 Stewart Hume Margaret Rogers Lachute, Qc
1937 Arthur-Raymond Perkins Phyllis-Carey Hume Sherbrooke, Qc
1942 John Kingsland Florence Hume Saint-Adolphe-D'howard, Qc
1942 Samuel-John Hume Mary-Ellen Mcleod Timmins, On
1943 John-R Hume Rodeen Hadley Saint-Adolphe-D'howard, Qc
1943 George-Gleason-Boyle Hume Emma-Elsie Marsh Sherbrooke, Qc
1944 David Hume Jeannine Paquette Outremont, Qc

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In addition to marriages we have 306 other documents for the Hume family

Pioneers of the Hume family

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Origin of last name Hume

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Famous personalities of the Hume family

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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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Write us
1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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