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History and origin of the Dupuis-Gervais family

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Marriages of the Dupuis-Gervais family

Our database contains 25 marriages of the Dupuis-Gervais family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

1885 Saint-Bernard-De-Lacolle, Qc

1896 Saint-Bernard-De-Lacolle, Qc

1908 Saint-Bernard-De-Lacolle, Qc

1930 Saint-Bernard-De-Lacolle, Qc

1941 Saint-Bernard-De-Lacolle, Qc

1949 Saint-Bernard-De-Lacolle, Qc

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Marriages of the Dupuis-Gervais family

Our database contains 25 marriages of the Dupuis-Gervais family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

Year Husband Wife Municipality
1823 Louis Dupuis Catherine Pinsonneault Napierville, Qc
1850 Alfred Dupuis-Gervais Esther Montminy Saint-Bernard-De-Lacolle, Qc
1853 Julien Dupuis-Gervais Anastasie Noel Saint-Bernard-De-Lacolle, Qc
1858 Isaac Dupuis-Gervais Priscille Robert Saint-Bernard-De-Lacolle, Qc
1882 Bernard Dupuis-Gervais Denise Corbiere Saint-Bernard-De-Lacolle, Qc
1882 Alfred Dupuis-Gervais Aurelie Corbiere Saint-Bernard-De-Lacolle, Qc
1885 Napoleon Dupuis Ursule Vachereau Saint-Bernard-De-Lacolle, Qc
1889 Hormisdas Dupuis-Gervais Lea Couture Saint-Bernard-De-Lacolle, Qc
1891 Zephir Dupuis-Gervais Adele-Lse Gregoire Saint-Bernard-De-Lacolle, Qc
1896 Alfred Dupuis-Gervais Denise Caron Saint-Bernard-De-Lacolle, Qc
1908 Lord Dupuis-Gervais Avilina Dupuis Saint-Bernard-De-Lacolle, Qc
1919 Omer Dupuis-Gervais Evelina Daigneault Saint-Bernard-De-Lacolle, Qc
1925 Gregoire Dupuis-Gervais Georgette Dumouchel Saint-Bernard-De-Lacolle, Qc
1930 Jean Dupuis-Gervais Alice Guay Saint-Bernard-De-Lacolle, Qc
1936 Fernand Dupuis-Gervais Hortense Richard Lacolle, Qc
1941 Gerard Dupuis-Gervais Bernadette Pinsonneault Saint-Bernard-De-Lacolle, Qc
1941 Emile Dupuis-Gervais Therese Guay Saint-Bernard-De-Lacolle, Qc
1949 Rene Dupuis-Gervais Yvette Beaudin Saint-Bernard-De-Lacolle, Qc
1950 Roland Dupuis-Gervais Lucille Beaudin Saint-Bernard-De-Lacolle, Qc

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Pioneers of the Dupuis-Gervais family

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Origin of last name Dupuis-Gervais

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Famous personalities of the Dupuis-Gervais family

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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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