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History and origin of the Britt family

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Marriages of the Britt family

Our database contains 143 marriages of the Britt family

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1857 Saint-Gabriel-De-Valcartier, Qc

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Marriages of the Britt family

Our database contains 143 marriages of the Britt family

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In addition to marriages we have 600 other documents for the Britt family

Pioneers of the Britt family

John Britt married to Ellen Tierney arrived in Canada between 1837 1842 with two sons, Patrick and Michael and maybe John depending on the year they arrived. They arrived at Grosse Ile and settled in Osgoode, Ontario but were lured to Maniwaki Quebec by Fathers Deleage and Clement who were transferred to Maniwaki. They were given land in Deleage (named after Father Deleage). They had another son, Nicholas and two daughters, Honora who died at the age of 13 and Margaret who married Patrick Donahoe. I'm still searching where they hailed from in Ireland. Some say Carlow and other Sligo. I believe John may have had a sister who married William Stackpole in on April 25, 1843 in Notre Dame Basiliaca in Ottawa, Ontario.

Submitted by Dianne B.

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Origin of last name Britt

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