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History and origin of the Astamago family

See the list of all Astamago

Marriages of the Astamago family

Our database contains 20 marriages of the Astamago family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

1891 Cote-Nord-Du-Golfe-Du-Saint-Laurent, Qc

1894 Cote-Nord-Du-Golfe-Du-Saint-Laurent, Qc

1894 Cote-Nord-Du-Golfe-Du-Saint-Laurent, Qc

1896 Cote-Nord-Du-Golfe-Du-Saint-Laurent, Qc

1909 Cote-Nord-Du-Golfe-Du-Saint-Laurent, Qc

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Marriages of the Astamago family

Our database contains 20 marriages of the Astamago family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

Year Husband Wife Municipality
1862 Simon Astamago Charlotte Tetapaban Betsiamites-3, Qc
1866 Etienne Astamago Genevieve Capitaine Betsiamites-3, Qc
1875 Joseph Astamago Cecile Capitaine Betsiamites-3, Qc
1891 Etienne Astamago Josette Bellefleur Cote-Nord-Du-Golfe-Du-Saint-Laurent, Qc
1894 Mathieu Lalo Helene Astamago Cote-Nord-Du-Golfe-Du-Saint-Laurent, Qc
1894 Francois Thomas Agnes Astamago Cote-Nord-Du-Golfe-Du-Saint-Laurent, Qc
1895 Josephis-Bob Astamago Catherine Napeno Mingan, Qc
1896 William Astamago Catherine Aube Cote-Nord-Du-Golfe-Du-Saint-Laurent, Qc
1909 Etienne Astamago Marie Barnabe Cote-Nord-Du-Golfe-Du-Saint-Laurent, Qc
1909 Joseph-Bob Astamago Pelage Napess Mingan, Qc
1910 William Astamago Caroline Dominique Mingan, Qc
1944 Michel Astamago Josephine Mestokosho Mingan, Qc
1948 Gabriel Astamago Cecile Gregoire Mingan, Qc
1960 Michel Astamago Sophie Michel Mingan, Qc
1975 Mario Mollen Gertrude Astamago Mingan, Qc
1981 Marcel Astamago Suzanne Napish Mingan, Qc
1986 Real Astamago Claudette Napish Mingan, Qc

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Pioneers of the Astamago family

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Origin of last name Astamago

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Famous personalities of the Astamago family

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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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