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Avis de décès de Gilberte Laforge

Gilberte "Jill" (Fournier) LaForge, 80, of Bristol, widow of Gerard LaForge, died Sept. 9, 2009, at Andrew House Health Care, New Britain. She was born Nov. 22, 1928, in Edmundston, New Brunswick, Canada, and was a daughter of the late Francois and Emilie (Boucher) Fournier. She has resided in Bristol since 1965, and prior to retiring she was employed at General Electric Company, Plainville. She was a member of St. Ann Church, Bristol, and the Ladies of St. Ann Society. She is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, Jean L. and Donna LaForge, of Bristol; a sister, Mona Fournier, of Edmundston, New Brunswick, Canada; two grandsons, Jamie and Douglas LaForge; and several nieces and nephews, including Murielle and Denis Lamontagne, of Bristol. The funeral was held Sept. 12, 2009, at Funk Funeral Home, Bristol, to St. Ann Church, Bristol, for a Mass. Burial followed in St. Joseph Cemetery, Bristol. Memorial donations may be made to the ;(function() { var adKeyValue = 't='; adKeyValue+= escape('clio=ALZ'); adKeyValue += escape('&cobrand=record-journal'); adKeyValue += escape('&linktext=Alzheimer\'s Association'); adKeyValue += escape('&linkurl= LaForge&set.TributeMessage=A+gift+has+been+made+in+remembrance+of+Gilberte LaForge'); adKeyValue += escape('&fn=Gilberte'); adKeyValue += escape('&ln=LaForge'); var adClkUrl = '' + adKeyValue + '&sz=1x1&c=991710621'; var adImpUrl = '' + adKeyValue + '&sz=1x1&c=991710621'; document.write("<a href='" + adClkUrl + "' target=_blank>Alzheimer\'s Association<" + 'img' + " src='" + adImpUrl + "' style='width=1px; height=1px; display:inline;' /></a>"); }());, 279 New Britain Road, Kensington, CT 06037.

Parution de l'avis de décès:

Le 17 septembre 2009 (Berlin Citizen, , États-Unis)



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Nous écrire
1 888 868-0005

C. P. 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch. des Quatre-Bourgeois
Québec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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